You can pass options to the module like this:
// nuxt.config.js
module.exports = {
// other nuxt options
modules: [
// other modules
// options here
path: '<customEntry>'
default: '/'
The entry route of the styleguide.
The default value '/'
overwrites all other nuxt routes and therefore
is considered as the "standalone" mode.
If this is changed to something like /styleguide
, then the
default pages of the embedding nuxt application will still work
and the styleguide entry is a sub-route of the nuxt application.
importFrom: 'package|local'
default: 'package'
This option only changes how the documentation is rendered. It does not actually change how things are technically imported.
local: This is useful when the styleguide is used in embedded mode. import paths in component and design token documentations are displayed relative to the project root so that they can be copy-pasted in other vue files of the project.
When the component library is consumed as an npm package, the import paths
should include the package name. This will use the name
componentsDir: <dirName>
default value: 'components'
The directory that includes the components. For a fresh Nuxt project, the default value should work out of the box. Change this value if you adjust your project's structure.
docsDir: <dirName>
default value: 'docs'
The directory that includes documentation files.
renderer: '<rendererModule>'
default value: '@sum.cumo/nuxt-styleguide-renderer-default'
The renderer for the styleguide.
Check out the documentation and implementation of the default renderer to learn how to write a custom renderer.
styleguideData: {<data>}
default value: {}
Additional data to pass to the styleguide renderer.
name: '<styleguideName>'
default value: "name" from package.json
The name might be used by the styleguide renderer.
description: '<styleguideDescription>'
default value: "description" from package.json
The description might be used by the styleguide renderer.
homepage: '<styleguideHomepage>'
default value: "homepage" from package.json
The homepage might be used by the styleguide renderer.
designTokenName: '<customName>'
default: 'design-tokens'
This changes the folder name where nuxt-styleguide will search for design tokens. And also the url parameter under which they are rendered.
iconRoute: '<customRoute>'
default: 'icons'
The route under which icons are being displayed.
iconFolder: '<customFolder>'
default: 'icons'
The folder in which icons in form of .svg
files are searched.