# Integrations

# cleave.js (opens new window)

For formatting while typing.

The easiest way to integrate Cleave is to use a directive:

    v-cleave="{ delimiter: '.', date: true, datePattern: ['d', 'm', 'Y'] }"

import Cleave from 'cleave.js'
import Vue from 'vue'

Vue.directive('cleave', {
  inserted(el, binding) {
    // if the binded element is not an input field search for one
    // this is for cases where the input is inside a wrapper
    if (el.tagName !== 'INPUT') {
      el = el.querySelector('input')
    // only apply cleave if it is an input field and the options are set
    if (
      el.tagName === 'INPUT' &&
      Object.keys(binding.value).length !== 0 &&
      binding.value.constructor === Object
    ) {
      new Cleave(el, binding.value)

# vee-validate (opens new window) 2.x.x


This integration only applies for vee-validate 2.x, and not the latest 3.x version!

For input validation. You can use v-validate with :input-class="fields[name]" to add validation classes to the input field. But the touched event needs to be set manually.

  <div class="example">
      placeholder="Type or select date"
    <div class="error">
      <span>{{ errors.first(name) }}</span>

import DatePicker from '@sum.cumo/vue-datepicker'

export default {
  name: 'VeeValidate',
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      model: '',
      name: 'datepicker',
      format: 'dd.MM.yyyy',
  methods: {
    touched() {
      this.$validator.flag(this.name, {
        untouched: false,
        touched: true,
  inject: ['$validator'],