# Slots

Slots will help you customize content.

N.B. If your slot content contains any links, you'll need to add tabindex="0" to your a tags in order for the links to be tabbable:

  <template #beforeCalendarHeaderDay>
      You must add tabindex="0" to <a href="#" tabindex="0">this link</a>
      so that users can tab to it.

# beforeCalendarHeader

Sometimes you need to show custom content before the calendar header. For such cases you can use the named slot beforeCalendarHeader, beforeCalendarHeaderDay, beforeCalendarHeaderMonth or beforeCalendarHeaderYear.

An example would be to use bootstrap's input-group-prepend and input-group-append to show some custom text:

<DatePicker :bootstrap-styling="true">
  <template #beforeCalendarHeaderDay>
    <div class="calendar-header">Choose a Date</div>

# calendarFooter

Sometimes you need to show a calendar footer. For such cases you can use the named slot calendarFooter,calendarFooterDay, calendarFooterMonth or calendarFooterYear.

An example would be to use bootstrap's input-group-prepend and input-group-append to show some custom text:

<DatePicker :bootstrap-styling="true">
  <template #calendarFooterMonth>
      <button>Select all Months</button>

# afterDateInput

To implement some custom styling (for instance to add an animated placeholder) on DateInput, you might need to add elements as DateInput siblings. Slot named afterDateInput allows you to do that:

  <template #afterDateInput>
    <span class="animated-placeholder">Choose a Date</span>

# beforeDateInput

To implement some custom styling (for instance to add an custom icon) on DateInput. Slot named beforeDateInput allows you to do that:

  <template #beforeDateInput>
    <CustomIcon />

# prevIntervalBtn / nextIntervalBtn

To provide custom content for buttons that rotate intervals in calendar header prevIntervalBtn and nextIntervalBtn slots may be used:

  <template #prevIntervalBtn>
    <CustomIcon />
  <template #nextIntervalBtn>
    <CustomIcon />

# calendarBtn

To provide custom content for the calendar button, the calendarBtn slot may be used:

<DatePicker :calendar-button="true">
  <template #calendarBtn>
    <CustomIcon />

# clearBtn

To provide custom content for the clear button, the clearBtn slot may be used:

<DatePicker :clear-button="true">
  <template #clearBtn>
    <CustomIcon />

# dayCellContent

To provide custom content for the dayCellContent, the dayCellContent slot may be used:

<DatePicker :clear-button="true">
  <template #dayCellContent="{ cell }">
    <span>{{ cell.date }}</span>