# Available props

Prop Type Default Description
append-to-body Boolean false Append datepicker calendar to body
autofocus Boolean false Sets html autofocus attribute on input
bootstrap-styling Boolean false Use bootstrap v4 styling classes.
calendar-button Boolean false Show an button that opens/closes the datepicker. Customisable via slots
calendar-class String|Object CSS class applied to the calendar el
clear-button Boolean false Show a button for clearing the date. Customisable via slots
day-cell-content Function Use to render custom content in day cell
disabled Boolean false If true, disable datepicker on screen
disabled-dates Object See Disabled Dates for configuration
first-day-of-week String sun Sets the first day of the week. Possible values: sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat
fixed-position String Set a fixed position for the picker. Possible values: bottom, bottom-left, bottom-right, top, top-left and top-right
format String|Function dd MMM yyyy Date formatting string or function
full-month-name Boolean false To show the full month name
highlighted Object See Highlighted Dates for configuration
id String Input id
initial-view String minimumView If set, open on that view
inline Boolean To show the datepicker always open
input-class String|Object|Array CSS class(es) applied to the input element
language Object en Translation for days and months
maxlength String Sets html maxlength attribute on input
maximum-view String year If set, higher-level views won't show
minimum-view String day If set, lower-level views won't show
name String Input name property
open-date Date|String If set, open on that date
pattern String Sets html pattern attribute on input
placeholder String Input placeholder text
required Boolean false Sets html required attribute on input
ref-name String Sets a ref name directly on the input field
show-edge-dates Boolean true If false, dates from previous/next months won't show
show-header Boolean true If false, the header section won't show
show-calendar-on-focus Boolean false Opens the calendar on input focus
show-calendar-on-button-click Boolean false Only open the calendar on calendar-button click
tabindex String|Number Tabindex for the input field
typeable Boolean false If true, allow the user to type the date. See Parsing typed input
use-utc Boolean false Use UTC for time calculations. See Local Dates vs UTC Dates
value Date|String Date value of the datepicker
wrapper-class String|Object CSS class applied to the outer div
year-picker-range Number 10 How many years to display in the year picker